Online you can see my mail order wife documentary, even though it isn’t about Netflix. The issue is you will need to be a member.
Mail Order Wife is a five part, movie-series. The first part is available for the free viewing online. You can find a link to the film online, but the link you are looking for is not there.
I wrote the screenplay for this picture myself, but I made it. Each part has its own manager and also a throw. This picture is really a story about a couple that meet in a pub, then opt to get married and fall in love.
As far as production was concerned, this Mail Order Wife documentary started off as a film. It was shot over 3 months’ duration. We decided to help make the movie around three movies.
What we did was then and start off with Mail Order Wife proceeded in to Book Two, then to the Woods. We strove to take the film one measure at one time. We were able to demonstrate the development of their marriage from love to hate to love by focusing on one character at a time.
Than we now have shown at both of the movies we have put more focus on the psychological distress for the couple. Some scenes were cut due to timing constraints.
The final edit is going to be much more than the short version. We will cut out parts which do not get the job done, interviews, and scenes.
If you can help, please consider donating to mailorder Wife. The movie had a short lifetime, but it was worth the time and effort. Please think about this a once in a life opportunity.
The other Movie we did with this Mail Order Wife documentary was Book 2, to the Woods. This movie has been seen by many others and it is placed for quite a hit.
Novel Two had less time also it was filmed in three unique continents. We needed to be in front of a camera to capture each scene.
Some of the scenes out of Mail Order Wife we couldn’t use for Book Two were cut out. These scenes exist.
We hope you like both pictures and we wish you the greatest of luck with your mailorder Wife documentary. Proceed right ahead and email us with your feedback.