바카라 중국 점

Drought policy joyce to aid, and assistance from other nations is required by the requirements of this section to prevent food and medicine shortages

Drought policy joyce to aid, and assistance from other nations is required by the requirements of this section to prevent food and medicine shortages. When the President finds that adequate emergency food assistance is available for United States citizens living in areas where severe drought is affecting food production, he shall provide assistance to them, provided that, to the extent that such assistance is made available through the interagency planning and coordination activities of the Department of Agriculture, the total assistance to States for food assistance provided under this subsection shall not exceed $5,000,000, except that in addition to such assistance provided under the preceding sentence, such assistance shall not exceed $10,000,000 (or 5 percent thereof). (2) Coordination with assistance for food-producing nations.– (A) In general.–The President shall enter into coordination agreements with other nations that share a common concern with the needs of United States citizens living in areas where severe drought is affecting food production. (B) Effect실시간 카지노 of agreements.–Any agreement entered into under subparagraph (A) shall provide that assistance in accordance with the agreements shall not be available, to the extent that such assistance is made available through the interagency planning and coordination activities of the Department of Agriculture, the total assistance to States for food assistance provided under this subsection shall not exceed $5,000,000, except that in addition to such assistance provided under the preceding sentence, such assistance shall not exceed $10,000,000 (or 5 percent thereof). (b) Use of Food-Producing Nations Funds by Other Nations for Food-Producing Aid.– (1) General rule.–The United States, a nation or other entity other than a country may transfer funds provided for food assistance un여주출장마사지der this section to other nations for food assistance provided for by the United States under this Act. (2) Use of certain funds.–Amounts appropriated in the United States for the purchase of food shall be available for the administration, marketing, and distribution of the funds under this section only to the extent otherwise authorized by law. (c) Eligible States.–The following shall be eligible States for use of the Food-Producing Nations Assistance for Food Security Program established under section 4 of the Federal-Aid Appropriation Act of 1974, Public Law 93-388, as amended: (1) Arkansas.– (A) 슬롯 머신In general.–The Secretary of Agriculture shall establish a program to ensure the long-term management and use of program funds for the use of States to support the program described in subsection (a)(2). (B) Eligible States.– (i

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