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Clubs seek court ruling on smoking bans

Clubs seek court ruling on smoking bans

Lawmakers are debating a proposal to ban smoking in bars, restaurants and movie theaters.

The city’s Board of Health has proposed ne빅 카지노w measures that would also prohibit smoking in bars, restaurants and theaters and prohibit them from close for longer than two hours between 1 and 4 p.m. on any given night.

That would likely mean smoking bans in public places like churches and bars.

The bill would prohibit smoking in public pools or on beaches, and in bars or restaurants for up to 45 minutes after 9 p.m.

A similar bill has passed in Colorado, but Colorado’s governor, John Hickenlooper, said Friday he would not sign it.

Lawmakers also plan to pass a measure banning smoking outside the home in hotels, homes, apartments and businesses within 2,000 feet of a public building, parks or highway.

An estimated 1.5 million Denver residents smoke regularly, about one in every five people and the equivalent of a third of the city’s residents over the age of 18, according to a 2014 CDC report.

Public smoking bans are legal in states like New York, which bans smoking on college campuses and in bars, and California.

The measure introduced by Rep. Rick Larsen, D-Denver, would prohibit smoking at all times in bars and restaurantXO 카지노s and in places including restaurants and bars청주출장샵타이 마사지 where patrons can walk across a threshold separating people’s smoking area and the rest of the crowd.

If passed by the board, the measure would go to a vote in December, when Mayor Michael Hancock will have the opportunity to sign it into law.

Alderman Bill Heineman, a longtime supporter of the bill, said the bill would “allow us to live with our problems with smoking.”

“It may be a bit of a balancing act,” Heineman said about not allowing smoking in public places like restaurants and bars but not restaurants and bars.

Larsen said the bill doesn’t make sense if the board passes such a ban.

“It’s going to create unnecessary noise,” Larsen said, noting he has heard from people who have expressed concerns about the bill.

He said some city leaders have questioned the legal viability of such a ban because it could violate the city’s zoning laws, which ban smoking in places where there are public sidewalks.

Larsen said he supports other anti-smoking bills in other cities.

Supporters argue the measure to ban smoking in public places i

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